

The functional medicine approach

Functional medicine is a holistic and patient-centered approach to healthcare that seeks to address the root causes of illness and dysfunction rather than just treating symptoms. Unlike traditional medicine, which often focuses on managing symptoms with medications, functional medicine aims to understand and enhance the body's natural healing mechanisms. Practitioners of functional medicine view the body as an interconnected system, recognizing the intricate relationships between various organs, systems, and environmental factors.

In functional medicine, the emphasis is on identifying and addressing the underlying imbalances or dysfunctions that contribute to health issues. This involves a comprehensive assessment of an individual's unique genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors. Functional medicine practitioners collaborate with patients to create personalized treatment plans that may include lifestyle modifications, nutritional interventions, supplements, and other integrative therapies.

By considering the whole person and understanding the intricate web of factors influencing health, functional medicine aims to promote optimal wellness and prevent chronic diseases. This patient-centered and preventive approach aligns with the philosophy at Kaav Medical, where we strive to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to achieve holistic well-being.

what is functional medicine?

Our services at Kaav Medical extend to medical weight loss, addressing men's and women's health issues, and offering Bioidentical Hormone Replacement for peri/postmenopausal women and Testosterone Replacement Therapy for men. With a commitment to thorough evaluations, including lab work and lifestyle assessments, we tailor our approach to your individual needs. 

 At Kaav Medical, we aim to empower you with the knowledge and support necessary to make meaningful changes and achieve your health goals. Join us on the path to your holistic well-being today.


Medical weight loss 

Evaluate what options are best for you to reach your goals. This includes lab work, lifestyle assessment and commitment to needed changes.

women's health

We provide Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for peri/post menopausal women

men's health

We provide care for low Testosterone associated problems in men.

"Taking testosterone has had a significant positive impact on my overall well-being. Within just one month of starting hormone therapy, I have experienced a remarkable improvement in my attitude, energy levels, and mental clarity."  
-zak p.

"After struggling with low energy levels despite being overall healthy, I decided to get my hormone levels checked. With a few simple adjustments based on the results, I have regained my energy and have been able to exercise daily, build muscle, and experience an overall increase in happiness. It's truly amazing how a few small changes can have such a positive impact on your health and well-being."

"Within one week I noticed a difference in my mood. Within two weeks I noticed a desire to go to the gym. By the time I hit three months, my skin had better color, I sleep through the night, and I look forward to going to the gym every day! Seeing Teya is literally a game changer. In addition to my overall health, my self esteem and confidence has all taken massive leaps forward, and I am now getting the physique that I have dreamed about my entire life."

what people are saying

Copyright 2024 KAAV MEDICAL

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Our services at Kaav Medical extend to medical weight loss, addressing men's and women's health issues, and offering Bioidentical Hormone Replacement for peri/postmenopausal women and Testosterone Replacement Therapy for men. With a commitment to thorough evaluations, including lab work and lifestyle assessments, we tailor our approach to your individual needs. 

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