How much does a session cost?

What can I expect from my appointment?

How long does it take to start feeling better?

Do you do telehealth appointments? 

How is functional medicine different than seeing my regular doctor? 

What is functional medicine? 


Functional medicine is an approach to healthcare that focuses on the root causes of illness, rather than just treating symptoms. Practitioners of functional medicine often use a combination of conventional and alternative therapies to promote healing and optimal wellness.

At Kaav Medical, we are a cash-based practice. We do not accept insurance plans. Insurance plans don’t cover or reimburse for treatment with a functional medicine approach. However, we do accept HSA payments. Your regular primary care provider will provide screenings and manage care which you prefer to treat with medications rather than lifestyle adjustments. 

If you are coming to Kaav for medical weight loss, we will do an extensive health history evaluation and discuss how your daily life affects your health. We will decide which options are best for you and your budget. While the current trend of GLP-1 is very effective, there are other options which are less expensive.

If you are coming to Kaav for bio-identical hormone replacement, we will review your health history as well as order labs to see where your hormone levels are and how they affect how you are feeling.

With medical weight loss, it depends on which path you choose and how much weight you want to lose. You didn’t get to your current health status in weeks, so expect it to take time to get back to your healthiest self.

Your initial visit is $150 and will take about an hour. Your subsequent visits are $100 which is needed for refills of medications.  Labs and medications are not included in the cost of the visit. But labs drawn within 6 months are great if they have access to them. 

YES!! We all love the time saved and convenience of telehealth visits. Most of my patients prefer to meet via telehealth after their first-in person visit. 

Copyright 2024 KAAV MEDICAL

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Our services at Kaav Medical extend to medical weight loss, addressing men's and women's health issues, and offering Bioidentical Hormone Replacement for peri/postmenopausal women and Testosterone Replacement Therapy for men. With a commitment to thorough evaluations, including lab work and lifestyle assessments, we tailor our approach to your individual needs. 

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